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Folder 3. Jesus: His Death and Resurrection (9 PDFs)

Jesus' death and resurrection are the FACTS of our new life. Our faith is founded upon these twin Realities. But just exactly what was going on behind the scenes on that fateful Day? And how can we know for sure He is Risen?

Jesus Crucified - Top View


pdf 1. Jesus: His Death and Resurrection (34-page eBook) Popular

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JC.Jesus - His Death and Resurrection eBook.pdf

Jesus' death and resurrection are the FACTS of our new life. To this day, no rational argument holds up against the evidence of the empty tomb, the combined eye-witness reports, and the explosion of transformed lives.

Jesus Crucified - Top View

pdf 2. His Terrible Death Popular

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It looked like a colossal mistake, a ghastly travesty of justice. In reality, it was a valiant conquest of a hideous foe—all that is fallen and corrupt in our nature. The innocent Victim became the invincible Victor, even before He died!

Jesus, His Terrible Death

pdf 3. The Temple Background Popular

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JC.The Temple Background.pdf

The writer of Hebrews interprets Jesus' death by contrasting that Sacrifice at Calvary with the Temple sacrifices of ancient Israel still being practiced in his day. It helps to understand the Reality by gazing upon its “shadow.”

A Lamb Bound for Sacrifice : The Temple Background

pdf 4. The Power of His Blood Popular

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JC.The Power of His Blood.pdf

According to the Lord’s own instructions to Israel, the power of an atoning sacrifice is in the blood that is shed. This may seem foreign to moderns but knowing and believing what Jesus’ Blood means can establish your faith like nothing else.

The Power of His Blood: The Blood of Jesus Cleanses Us

pdf 5. Christ as Victim, Victor and Vision Popular

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JC.Victor Victim Vision.pdf

How did God do what He did? Great truths infuse our hearts through these three historically favored perspectives on what happened at the cross. Take care that you don't only hold to one. We need them all!

Christ as Victim, Victor, Vision: At the Cross He Is All Three!

pdf 6. His Triumphant Resurrection Popular

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JC.His Triumphant Resurrection.2.pdf

Without the Resurrection we have no religion worth shouting about, no hope of heaven, no escape from our sins or our sin nature. Without His Resurrection we wouldn’t know a victory was won at the cross. Funny thing is, it was the one thing He didn’t do…

Jesus Rising from the Grave : His Triumphant Resurrection

pdf 7. Proof: The Empty Tomb Popular

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JC.The Empty Tomb.pdf

This is a rare “argument from silence” that still speaks volumes to anyone giving it serious, open-minded attention. One of the most well-attested facts of history is the unexpected disappearance of Jesus from His own tomb.

Proof of the Resurrection : The Empty Tomb of Jesus

pdf 8. Proof: Visible Appearances Popular

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JC.Visible Appearances.pdf

In any court of law, the testimony of eye witnesses is crucial to establishing the facts. In this “case” we have a super-abundance of testimonies. However, what really compels faith in these accounts is their unexpected character.

Jesus and Doubting Thomas : Resurrection Appearances

pdf 9. Proof: Transformed Lives Popular

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JC.Transformed Lives.pdf

You may be one whose transformed life is evidence that Someone has powerfully been at work in your life. Likewise, the testimony of changed lives after the resurrection of Jesus is just as powerful a witness today as it was then.

Paul on the Road to Damascus : Changed Lives

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