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Folder 3. Living by Faith in Grace (32 PDFs)

It was Jesus who saved you by His death on the cross. It was the Father’s love that saved you by sending Jesus. But the vehicle they are using to drive all this home into your heart and life is the Gospel of Grace.

New Life: The Good News of the Gospel of Grace: Leaping for Joy


Folder 1. Saved by the Free Gifts! (20 PDFs)

It's hard to believe that God really does want to give us everything that we need for free. It helps to see all that He is giving us. Take a good look at the many ways you are saved by the “Free Gift” and let it overwhelm you… and transform you.

Russian Nesting Dolls : Saved by God's Free Gifts!

Folder 2. Learning to See Double (11 PDFs)

Just as there is good and evil, heaven and hell, angels and demons, there is an inner life and an outer life, an invisible realm and a material realm, a life in time and a life in eternity. This can get very confusing! Let these insights stabilize your spiritual vision.

Double Set of Eyes : Truth and Reality in Matched Pairs


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Jesus saved you by His death on the cross. The Father’s love saved you by sending Jesus. Holy Spirit saves you by living in you. But the vehicle they are using to drive all this home into your heart and life is the Gospel of Grace.

New Life: The Good News of the Gospel of Grace: Leaping for Joy

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